As usual, IMVC’s technical program was particularly rich: among the main lectures, we were pleased to assist at Dr. Aya Soffer‘s Teaching Watson to See, where IBM Watson is the celebrated computer able to mimic human performance in many areas. One of its latest sophisticated additions is the capability to see, that means understand the content of images and videos.
The Exposition floor too counted on many leading companies: besides RSIP Vision, you could visit Mobileye, Intel (the former being recently aquired by the latter), Elbit Systems, SAP, Rafael and others.
RSIP Vision and IMVC 2017
RSIP Vision welcomed its many visitors in its booth, placed right after the entrance into the Exposition Hall and the gate to the Main Conference auditorium. The main topic of discussions with most of our guests was of course the way state-of-the-art algorithmic techniques mastered by RSIP Vision provide the best solutions to the real world problems they came to expose. Our CEO Ron Soferman was as always widely consulted for projects going to be developed in the fields of image processing, computer vision, and deep learning.
One major novelty with respect to the previous edition was Computer Vision News, the monthly magazine of the algorithm community, published by RSIP Vision: though it is an online magazine, we distributed a few promotional hard copies (as we did at CVPR 2016); we also offered visitors to register (subscription is free for all). The success of Computer Vision News (and of its many offspring: CVPR Daily, ECCV Daily, MICCAI Daily, Boston Vision) is mainly due to its fulfilling a pivotal community service, as many IMVC 2017 visitors confirmed.
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Did you miss the April magazine? Read it here
If, for any reason, you have missed IMVC 2017 and you want to consult Mr. Soferman and our engineers about your computer vision and image processing projects, please fill this form now and we will be back to you as soon as possible. Don’t wait until IMVC 2018!